Tips for Spring Cleaning
March 01 2019 -
With spring rapidly approaching it’s an ideal time to begin thinking about organizing your home, car, and office. With the change of season comes an opportunity to evaluate routines, discard of clutter, and give things a spring good cleaning.
To begin, take a note of your daily routine. Starting in the morning while brushing your teeth, check the counter area in the bathroom. If it’s cluttered with objects then consider dividing them into themed groups. For example, separate hair products from skin products and so forth. Then, within each group determine which items are used most often and which are used infrequently. Give frequently used items top priority on the counter and put rest away in a cabinet or drawer. For cleaning surfaces consider using a mix of vinegar and water for an eco-friendly and affordable alternative to harsh store-bought cleaners.
When getting dressed evaluate your closet space carefully. Consider separating items by season and donating any pieces you rarely wear. For the items you plan to keep and store away, add cedar blocks, which can be purchased at your local grocery store, to keep the items fresh and protected while in bins.
Next, determine if clutter is getting in the way of your routine in the kitchen. Are the glasses and plates you regularly use readily accessible? Very often our kitchen cabinets get packed with items that are not used on a daily basis. Dedicate the most convenient cabinet location, above the sink or near the fridge, for your daily items only. Plastic food containers tend to accumulate in cabinets for most of us. Consider recycling them if you have more than what's needed for your typical weekly meal planning. Discard of expired items in the fridge and then clean the surfaces and trays following the manufacturer recommendations. Finally, place a fresh package of baking soda into the refrigerator to help with eliminating odors. Next up is the car!
While in your car look through containers and nooks for stowed items. Throw out old coffee cups, crumpled notes, and old recipients that are no longer needed. Reserve space in a map pocket for an umbrella and space in the trunk for a first aid kit and jumper cables. Consider giving the interior and exterior a thorough cleaning to remove any accumulated dirt and debris from winter driving. If any service is needed, bring your vehicle to Honda of Seattle for a tune-up.
When you arrive at work sort through your desk area. Separate paperwork into piles based on topic and discard or archive away anything no longer needed. Desk drawers tend to accumulate many items, so sift through them and place the high-touch items in the top drawer. Reserve lower drawers for old files and reference material that you do not frequently use.
The other desktop comes next, the one on your computer. Start by sorting files by file type and then begin the process of discarding items no longer needed and archiving those you wish to keep. For active projects or material you frequently access, create dedicated folders within which all pertinent documents can be housed.
So there you have it, our recommendations for simplifying your spaces and getting organized for the springtime. Are you interested in springing into a new vehicle? Schedule a test drive online or call us at (206) 382-8800 to experience the practicality and efficiency of the Honda lineup yourself. We look forward to hearing from you.
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